
We are frequently asked to provide the names of professionals who use the Social Thinking Methodology in their programs or services in local communities or across states and countries. To make this information easily available, we created an online Directory of Clinical Trainees to provide a resource listing the names of clinicians and educators who have attended our Clinical Training Program. This list is comprised primarily of professionals (and some parents) who sought additional observation-based training related to applying the Social Thinking Methodology.

Attendees of our Clinical Training Program only receive a Certificate of Attendance and are not officially certified or endorsed. A Certificate of Attendance in no way implies that Social Thinking (or its employees) endorse, approve of, or can attest to the clinical abilities of the attendee posted on our Directory of Clinical Trainees. It is designed to verify that a professional has attended training in the Social Thinking Methodology. It is your responsibility to determine whether the individual has the expertise that meets your needs.

The Clinical Training Program was formerly known as Social Thinking® Mentor Training. A limited number of people have also participated in the Social Thinking® Clinical Internship Program (also known as Level 2). We have currently discontinued this program and have no plans to re-establish it.

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